Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM / Saturday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM


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What Customers Says

“Because there is an export limit to the grid, we haven’t actually used the full amount of power available to us from the panels yet, but we’re looking forward to the warmer months when we should be able to run all aircons and appliances directly from the sun.”

“Judith goldsmith , over 1 month Eliza Garcia was my representative and I really enjoyed how she explained everything to me , she has been very patient through this process and is very responsive , loved my solar install will be referring friends and family”

“MTED, over 1 month I chose Panasonic solar panels because they have a partnership with Tesla and Panasonic has a good reputation.”

“Terry, over 1 month Just installed 34 535 watt panels. Seeing over 100kwh on most days. Pushing the inverter to its limit”

“Jennings, over 1 month What was recommended for my site.”